If you are the owner of a fine pearl necklace or bracelet, you may be thinking if it is a good time to get them re-strung. You may have been gifted a vintage item or have just had your pearls for a while and are worried about them breaking over time. At Anthony Paul Jewellery, we work with pearl experts who have come up with a few tell-tale signs that you may need a pearl restringing service.
Vintage pearl restringing
Over time, pearl necklaces and bracelets can be subject to wear and tear. This is down to a few different reasons with the main being that they are an item of jewellery that can be worn often. With vintage pearl jewellery, this could mean they are in vital need of a re-vamp. If you have been gifted a vintage piece, we would recommend you take it to your local jewellers to give it a once over for signs of breakage.
How long should you wait to get your pearls restrung?
If you have only just brought your pearl jewellery brand new, it is highly unlikely you will need a restringing service unless it is in need of an alteration such as changing the length. If you have had your necklace or bracelet any more than over a year, then it depends on how often you wear it. If your pearls are worn for special occasions only, it is still unlikely to need a service for at least 3 to 5 years. If it is worn daily however, you may wish to get a professional opinion within 1-2 years.
Are there different types of pearl restringing?
In short, yes. There are two main types of traditional pearl restringing. Plain pearl restringing and knotted pearl restringing. Plain restringing is the simplest process where the pearls are simply strung next to each other. This is a cost-effective way to restring pearls but should your necklace or bracelet ever break, you are more at risk of losing pearls. Knotted restringing is where the string is knotted in-between each pearl meaning they are protected from being lost should the string ever break. It is typically a fraction more costly for this service.
Can you alter a pearl necklace or bracelet with restringing?
A traditional pearl restringing expert should be able to turn, re-vamp or re-new any type of pearl jewellery item, from turning necklaces into bracelets to changing pearl jewellery clasps. At Anthony Paul Jewellery, we work with traditional pearl restringing experts who can to take a look at your pearl jewellery to see if it needs any special attention or if you would like to get a quote on any alterations.